Estels del Sud


Please fill in the Form and we will contact you to inform you of all the details and formalise the reservation.

Your application will not go through if you do not fill in all the Form Fields. Once completed you should see the following message: “FORM PROPERLY SENT”

In case of doubt or difficulties with the Form, please contact us by email.


Please fill in the Form and we will contact you to inform you of all the details and formalise the reservation

Your application will not go through if you do not fill in all the Form Fields. Once completed you should see the following message: “FORM PROPERLY SENT”

In case of doubt or difficulties with the Form, please contact us by email.

Picnic Required?

13 + 9 =


Important Information

Sending the Form does not imply the formalisation of your Reservation. The managers of Estels del Sud will contact you to inform you and formalise your registration.

Possession of the FEEC, FEDME or equivalent Cards recognized by the UIAA is required. You will need to present your Membership Card at your initial lodging. If you do not have this insurance, you will need to request from Estels del Sud an insurance for your specific dates and activities. The cost is 2.50€ per person/day.


Morralet Estels del Sud


The “Morralet” was the pouch carried by the shepherds when they went up the Ports and it contained everything they needed for the day.